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A Complete Referral Management Solution

Track referrals with full visibility. Create solid referral relationships. Use integrated communication tools. It’s really that easy.

What is Two-Way Referral Management?

Let’s Talk Referrals

Benefits of Two-Way Referral Management

Are You Ready to Make Referrals Easy?

Get ready to revolutionize how you do referrals. Book a meeting today to see how Intiveo’s Two-Way Referral Management can elevate your practice.

Solve tracking issues, streamline communication, and manage multiple referrals easily with Intiveo’s innovative Two-Way Referral Management feature. Say goodbye to the headaches of complex case coordination when you send and receive patient information securely and easily. Constant manual follow-ups are a thing of the past with real-time tracking and updates, allowing you to support your patients and build strong GP-to-specialist referral relationships.


Send and receive referrals with ease, all through the Intiveo platform. Whether it’s sending patient information to a specialist or receiving incoming referrals, manage everything in one place.

Full Patient

Track the patient’s journey at every step, from initial referral all the way to completion of their treatment, ensuring full visibility and continuity of care.

Integrated Communication Tools

Maintain clear and effective communication with both sending and receiving practices. Exchange notes, manage attachments, and stay updated on every patient’s progress.

All-In-One Internal and External Portal

A user-friendly interface makes it simple to send and receive referrals, with every function integrated directly into your Intiveo software.


The Intiveo platform maintains full HIPAA and PIPEDA compliance, maintaining security through a Vanta framework.

Easy Integration with your PMS

All documents are compatible with your existing patient management solution, allowing you to download and upload any necessary digital