Why Automation Is the New Big Thing

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Old and outdated workflows can be a major source of frustration. For that reason, automation is becoming the next big thing for healthcare practices in the modern age. If you’re hearing a lot about automation at the moment, there is a good reason why. Automation is your best friend when running a dental practice office. It can increase your productivity, prevent patients from falling through the cracks, improve patient satisfaction, and generally make your job easier. 

It’s true that not everything can be automated. But you might be surprised to learn just how much can be and how much easier it will make your life. 

Benefits of Automation

Setting up your practice for automation will have a range of benefits for you and your patients. It makes sure that your patients get the right messages at the right time in their journey. This will reduce no-shows and increase the completion rate of the required forms. 

Another benefit of automation is that it will reduce the workload on your staff. One study found that a simple automated SMS reminder can save 240 hours per fortnight. That means your staff can focus on other things and will help prevent burnout. 

Overall, automation means a much better and more patient-friendly experience. It gives you regular touchpoints with patients, keeping them engaged with your practice. But the question is:

Are You REALLY Automated?

Automation is a powerful way to streamline your practice. However, something to consider; are you as automated as you could be?

It has been known to happen where something promises automation, but you end up still having to do more work than necessary. Perhaps you have automated appointment reminders, but you are still sending out paper forms and instructions. Or maybe you don’t have the level of customization that allows you to build your automated sequences. 

True automation should be hassle-free AND paper-free, allowing you to fully focus on your patients. If you are still having to remind yourself to send pre-care instructions or intake forms to patients, there is room for more automation in your office. 

How Intiveo Provides Real Automation

Intiveo allows you to truly automate your entire patient messaging process. With our software, you will be able to effortlessly connect with your patients through automated appointment reminders, confirmations, booking requests, recall reminders, and reputation management. 

With Intiveo, you can easily send appointment reminders via text message, email, or phone. This is critical in improving arrival times, reducing no-shows and late cancellations, saving your practice time, and making your patients’ lives easier. 

Additionally, our software will allow you to easily send the necessary pre- and post-appointment care information. As with the reminders, you can send them via text or email. All of our features are fully customizable. You can build out the automated sequence that works best for you and your patients. Your patients will feel like you do care about them! 

All this automation will ease the burden on your staff, saving hours per day in time spent on the phone and reducing staff burnout. 

With Intiveo, you’ll be able to provide exceptional care and support for your patients and your practice. If you aren’t certain about how we can improve your office’s practices, you can book a demo today so we can show you what we can do.