Intive-O-Week: Fun in the Sun

July 20, 2023, 09:00 ET

Authenticity, Collaboration, Continuous Development – and Fun

What sets a great workplace apart is how it invests in its people. That’s why Intive-O-Week, or O-Week for short, matters so much to our company! For one week of the year, every employee at our fully remote company descends on our office in Vancouver, Canada for a week of team-building, brainstorming, food, and good company. We invest in face-to-face time, to build the kind of connection that is the cornerstone of a happy, healthy company.


Day One: Imagining the Future

Intivonauts began to stream in on Monday from as nearby as a few minutes from our Chinatown office, to as far away as the Czech Republic. Everyone met Monday night at the office for pizza and a movie night.Tuesday morning, our CEO, Josh DeVries, officially kicked off O-Week with a presentation on our Mission and Values. This included a team-building activity in which we created an artistic representation of Intiveo’s values. After lunch, we were invited to imagine Intiveo’s future as the company grows, using the imaginative landscape of Dr. Seuss’ Oh, the Places You’ll Go!. Plus, our CCO Nathan DeVries gave us an update on our Customer Advisory Board. That evening, each team connected with their managers for a dinner out on the town. A full day of creativity!

Day Two: Beach Party!

Wednesday morning, our COO Richard Sharp invited us to imagine Intiveo’s future yet again, with a return of his presentation ‘1 Year From Now’. We broke out into teams to imagine what challenges and opportunities we will each encounter as the company grows. Wednesday afternoon was about fun! The Intivonauts braved the heat at Jericho Beach for a picnic lunch, a relay, and the opportunity to swim at one of Vancouver’s beautiful beaches. The sand was hot enough to roast our feet, but the good effects of friendship and the competitive spirit prevailed and we had a great afternoon! The day ended with a delicious team dinner that was enjoyed by all.

Day Three: Interactive Theatre, APIs, and Cocktails

On Thursday morning, things got theatrical in the best way possible. Members of the Customer Experience, Marketing, and Sales teams showed us a day in the life of a dental office with an interactive skit. We got a chance to see how Intiveo can improve the working life of front-of-office staff and dentists alike – while delivering an experience worth remembering to their patients. That afternoon, we were taken in depth into the product roadmap hosted by our CTO, Owen Ingram. We had the curtain lifted a little on technical aspects of Intiveo before having a bit of fun with an API. It was great for all the less tech-savvy teams to get a chance to use those skills! In the late afternoon, the Intiveo team got a chance to enjoy the beautiful Sun Yat-Sen Gardens. That evening, we sent the boat out with delicious, original cocktails inspired by Chinatown and a gorgeous buffet meal featuring a number of local restaurants. It was the best way possible to celebrate the end of a great week of team-building, camaraderie, and envisioning the future.

Until Next Year…

Everything about Intiveo is a team effort. That was true at O-Week, and it’s true every day in our working lives.

Great companies can’t happen without great people, and at O-Week, we saw that in action. We all got to champion each other’s projects. We got a chance to meet and talk about what matters to us in our work. And, we all got the opportunity to get inspired about the year to come, until next O-Week!

Intive-O-Week wouldn’t have happened without the amazing work of so many Intivonauts! Thank you to Josh DeVries, Nathan DeVries, and Richard Sharp, who, with the Party Enamels committee, all spent numerous hours organizing a number of events. Special thanks to Ryan Hogenes for being travel host/sound guy/logistics and technical support person before and during O-Week. Another special thank you is due to the people who traveled far or tuned in from a distance to participate in this special week.

And last but not least, thank you to the Intivonauts who make this company something we can be proud of.

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To Intiveo and beyond!