Introducing NPS Surveys Through Intiveo

NPS Survey Intiveo

We’re excited to announce that our platform now supports Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys! Keep reading to learn what’s new and why gathering NPS data can help you boost patient engagement.

Let’s dive in.

New: See Your NPS Score Quickly and Easily

It’s official! Now, you’ll be able to send NPS surveys directly to your patients through Intiveo! Using our survey tool, you’ll be able to:

  • Compare your aggregate NPS score against the score of individual locations to see where you can make progress
  • Visualize your NPS score with dynamic charts
  • Add custom thank-you messages build your customer relationships 

Plus, if your patient gave your practice a score of 0-8, they will automatically be offered a contact form. This way, you can get more details about this score right away.

Did you know? Along with tracking your NPS, our survey tool makes it easy to ask your patients any type of question — from multiple choice to open ended — and stay on top of the responses with optional email notifications. 

Why Your NPS Matters

Essentially, a high NPS indicates that your patients are happy, and shows how likely they would be to recommend your business. A NPS is very common in the SaaS industry and is slowly becoming common in healthcare as more industries see the value in tracking this metric. It makes sense: What you’re doing is asking how satisfying the patient experience is at your practice. Hearing about that directly is an unparalleled piece of feedback. 

Understanding your NPS can tell you something about patient retention, as well. If your patients are answering with low scores, then their satisfaction is low. They’re probably thinking about finding a new dentist or will ask to be referred to a different specialist in the future. 

On the flip side, if your patients are giving high scores, then they’re more likely to stick around! Their satisfaction level is high, and they’re more likely to remain a loyal patient and to recommend your practice to others. 

Learn More About Intiveo

Intiveo offers several resources to support dental and oral surgery practices as they engage their patients including guides, self-assessment calculators, template packages, and more. You can also tune into our podcast, The Patient Experience Blueprint.

Subscribe at the top right to get these resources directly to your inbox! 

Curious to learn more about how Intiveo can elevate your practice? Book some time with our team.